Mmm... Mint & chip! It's my very most favoritest ice cream. What's yours??
I love Saturday mornings! It's so nice to be able to wake up easy and lounge around, have some coffee, play with my dogs, cuddle with Sean on the couch. But today I need to get moving, because I'm a...wait for it...
Busy Bee!
(Teeheehee! I'm such a dork.)
It's been a while since I showed you guys a progress shot of the entire sampler, so here's a new one I snapped this morning, squares 1 through 25.

It's supposed to be a lovely 71 degrees this afternoon, the sun is shining, the skies are blue and there's no wind. A perfect day for some scootin! I'm going to go to the bead shop to find a chain for my new necklace, then while I'm in that neighborhood, I think I'll swing thru the DMV and practice the motorcycle course a few times before I take my M1 behind-the-wheel test. Then scoot on by the market for some scone ingredients to take with me to Bunco tonight.
Hope you all have a great day!
Wow Lisa!
Your sampler is stunning.
It has been a real pleasure looking through your blog today - it's looking fab as always.
Hope you, Sean and the dogs have a wonderful weekend and take care of yourself on that motorcycle.
Lisa, I love those squares! I like how you stitched the cone on the ice cream cone square! If you lived in Lodi in 1984, I may have scooped some ice cream for you at Bradley's on Lodi Avenue! It was my first job-- and the DMV you're going to today-- was where I took my driver's test when I was 16! Ah, Lodi... you've just gotta' love it! :)
PS: Have fun at the bead store! I've never stopped in, but it looks like a good one!
Oh gosh, I don't visit for a couple of days and look at all this good stuff I've missed!!!
Lisa, this is so beautiful! The cone and the bee are so adorable, and the entire piece looks....SOOOO PRETTY!!! Your bee is such a happy little guy, and the swirly border is so good! cream favorite in any flavor, and I always get globs of colored sprinkles too! The real fun is trying to lick the ice cream fast enough before the sprinkles start dripping off. Hope you had fun scootin and stitchin!...and I caught that reason for your trip to the bead sweetie! xoxo Paulette ;)
Love, love your sampler! Your squares are wonderful.
LOVE Mint chip ice cream!! My favorite too!
Can I just say you are an embroidering maniac!? Your sampler is great! I love all the happy imagines too! :)
Ladies, you rock!! Your comments make me feel all warm and sunshiney! Thank you SO much!
Hugs for everyone!! ~Lisa
Your sampler looks wonderful and your squares have such a nice variety of subjects. Scones and Bunco - sounds great.
These are absolutely gorgeous. Amazing what beauty a person can create in a tiny square inch!
My first time visit. Loved it.
Beautiful background.
Brenda @ It's A Beautiful Life
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