Hi Y'all!
Today I thought I'd share a little something I whipped up for my mom for Mother's Day. She's been a Beatles & Lennon fan all my life and I don't know why I never thought of making something like this for her before, but I'm so glad I did. Sometimes stitching a simple line drawing like John Lennon's iconic Imagine is such a pleasure, I wish I did it more.
This particular drawing translates to embroidery so well, I love it when that happens!
I added a short lyric from the song, one of my favorites.
I'm a dreamer too.
I have little dreams, but they are mine and I'm working at making them a reality. One at a time. Baby steps and then leaps and bounds, and then baby steps again. ♥
Pleased to report that Mom loved her little 'broidery. I had a feeling she would, but I can't take credit for that, she's a fan, this is his work.
Mom's doing me a solid this week, she's staying with our pups because by the time you read this, we'll be off on an adventure, a little dream. We're taking a train trip! We've always wanted to ride a train and tomorrow we're headed to Portland for a few days for a little R&R and some special birthday's!
You know I'll be taking pictures! Can't wait to share!
Have a great weekend, darlings!