Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Greetings friends,
Just a quick pop in post to see what you thought of the premier of Outlander? I know there are a bunch of you out there who are Outlander fans -psst! you're safe here, come geek out with me! If you're not a fan, please pardon my indulgence. This might not be the post for you because I'm about to go full-on fangirl.

My friend Lorna hosted a little mountain shindig, and we watched the first episode, Sassenach on her ginormous, awesome TV, felt like the actors were right in the room with is, too cool! We had a great night chatting about the stories, we'd all read all of the books and several (if not all) of the shorter novels and supplementals, or as Diana calls them, "the bulges" and they go deep! There are SOO many layers. Anywho.. we munched, we discussed, we drank whiskey! It was a good night...

Just touching on a few key points here mixed in with the few pictures I took at the party...
I'd love to know what YOU found interesting, please share!

How great was the opening scene, Claire during 1940's wartime, under pressure, fixing someone? Claire is grace & ruthless efficiency under fire - over and over again through out these stories. What a woman!

I put together a little goodie basket for our Outlander evening, a sort of thank you gift for my friend since without her prompting I probably would have never read these stories and happily sunk so deeply into Diana Gabaldon's world. I am forever grateful. ♥
Whiskey, ale, short bread and jam - and more importantly, JAMMF! I made Lorna a Pocket Jamie of her very own. I was also given a few small Outlander posters from a lovely gal in an Outlander FB group I belong to so I passed a couple of them on to Lorna. And neatest of all, I snagged a couple of hankies which were given away as swag at ComiCon this year - eBay is still awesome - sometimes.

It all began with a reuniting-honeymoon WWII was over... Claire & Frank.
I know lot of folks don't like Frank, I do. I think that like all of Gabaldon's characters, he's human and therefore flawed, and that's part of what makes these stories so amazing. He's not a perfect man, but I do believe up to this point (and maybe ever after - I have mixed feelings - but we'll find out more about that later on...) he's a good man. That's just my opinion. I know others have different opinions... bottom line, he loves his wife. What happens further on in the story gets complicated...

Let's go see the witches! Druids, actually...
I liked this scene, it wasn't how I pictured it in the books, it was better!

Here's a little picture of our spread! I popped into my local cheese shop (my town has a cheese shop, ha! So fancy.) and picked up a couple of nice cheeses (a sharp English cheddar and a lovely little herb chevres) , to go along with the fresh oatcakes that I made for snacking. I used this recipe and this one. Each of these rendered VERY different results. I wish I'd taken pictures... generally speaking, I think the second recipe was more enjoyable and versatile. 

 Claire, can you hear the stones?

You're not Frank! Uh-oh, here comes trouble! 
Black Jack Randall, what a cad. I thought Tobias Menzies has started these two very different roles with a bang! To my eyes, these could be totally different actors, although related generations apart, Frank and BJR are nothing alike.

Look what Lorna made for desert, a Craigh na Dun cheese cake! The standing stones were made out of rice crispy treats! 

Here we are in the little cottage where Claire meets Dougal and Jamie for the first time - great scene! Nearly word for word from the book. Loved it. 

On the road with the McKenzie clan, after being unceremoniously dumped from a horse, Claire makes a break for it.

But of course Jamie finds her and gets his first taste of her feisty willfulness. 

And Claire's first taste of the famed Fraser stubbornness, I liked this scene too. Actually, there weren't any scenes I didn't like. I know I'm going to love the entire series!

And before we know it, we've arrived at Castle Leoch and the end of episode 1! 

*wistful sigh*

Episode 2 is this Saturday - which incidentally is my birthday, what a great pressie! I'm so glad that this story is being made into a beautiful, visual feast, and so grateful that the people who are making it are doing so with such love and devotion. We're in for a rollicking good time!

So tell me! What are YOU looking forward to? I have a whole list! I'll answer in the comments so we can all be a part of the conversation!



  1. I adored the first episode. It was easy to see how the tiny adjustments (Claire didn't buy the vases, no one stepped through a cleft stone) were necessary for the story to work in this new medium. All of the actors, so far, seem perfectly cast--amazing. And they didn't linger on the things I find tedious--just a taste of Claire as an army nurse to set the context, etc. And of all the ways Jamie could have said, "Ye don't look that heavy," he picked the perfect one. I cannot imagine anyone other than Sam playing Jamie, now. The only thing lacking at my house was the Pocket Jamie, whiskey, and Craig na Dun cheesecake that you got to enjoy. Well done!

  2. I totally agree, Denise! I thought the changes they made were well played and thoughtful and carried the story forward. And like you said, they touched just enough on certain points to establish a starting point. LOVED IT. And you're right, no one else could play Jamie, Sam is perfect. So is Cait, and Frank/BJR. I don't think I've ever been this excited about a television show!

    I sure wish I could teleport you over here to watch with us, you'd be a VERY welcome addition! oxo!!

  3. It sounds like a grand time was had by all. The cheesecake looks awesome! It's so great seeing my favorite books brought to screen! I wish I had been in town to join you.

  4. Love the whole episode and am so looking forward to the series. I agree, the witches scene was better than I imagined too. The cast is wonderful, can't wait to see Lord John.

  5. Oh gosh Lisa, I so feel like I've missed the boat here! I've never read the books or watched the show...but your post was really good anyway! :)
    Loved the basket you put together and that cheesecake looked yummy...but then again, when does a cheesecake ever not look yummy?! Thanks for totally sparking my interest Sweetie Pie...Now I have to go peek at those two cuties in the post below! Always sending hugs your way! xoxo

  6. Hello, I just found your blog from Pat's blog at Sunshine and a Sewing Basket, and I have enjoyed reading your posts about the Outlander series. I haven't seen any of the TV show, I don't think it being shown here in Scotland at the moment, but I absolutely love the books, and am listening to them as an audio book just now too. Very nice to have found your blog, I shall pop back again. X

  7. OMG not this too? I love this book series and also this show!! I just thought I would stalk you er I mean check out your blog.

  8. Thanks for visiting me at Delights of the Heart. Oh I am in love with all Outlander things. Can't wait for April 4th.

  9. Why aren't you blogging anymore? I miss your posts, especially your embroideries. Have you relocated? gone to Facebook like so many others?

    The Outlander is a must see for me. Sadly, last night was the last of this season.
    xx, Carol


Hey There~
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog! I try to respond to all my comments, and I can't wait to hear what you have to say!