Monday, July 16, 2012

Stitchin' Along

Hello Friends,
Can you believe it's Monday again already? Where does the weekend go?

I mentioned at the end of my last post about participating in the Feeling Stitchy July Stitch Along, and Sunday I got busy. Yesterday while hiding inside from the heat, and trying to figure out what all the hubbub over Game Of Thrones  is about (Yes, I know... very late to the party on that one. We watched some of season 1 Saturday, and practically all of season 2 Sunday, and I'm very confused, I won't pretend otherwise. So many plot lines, so many characters, seems like someone's getting their head lobbed off every other moment.) I completed an entire project in one go! Even if I was confused, Game of Thrones was good background for an afternoon of stitching.

This month stitch along is hosted my my pal, Pam, and she's offered up several great vintage patterns to chose from, all of which are very cute, easy stitch ups! Seeing as how I'm a sucker for pretty flowers, here's the one I went with, summer flowers in bloom.
Outside my on my patio all of my flower pots are also in full bloom (see previous kitty post) and the two colors that inspired my color choices today were the bright orange of the marigolds and the vibrant violets of the lavender, so pretty together! Made picking my floss colors easy.

This was a pretty quick stitch, all told I think 4-5 hours with copious critter kisses, and fruit smoothie making interspersed. Nothing fancy here, just the basics, stem, straight, split, lazy daisy and back stitches with a few French knots tossed into the centers of the flowers. Easy peasy♥
I did learn one new thing today, it's very hard to photograph lavender fabric. The above picture, taken in dappled, late-afternoon sunlight is about as accurate as I could manage. My best efforts resulted in blue-ish, shadowy pictures, so perplexing.

Anyway, I kind of like this pretty little bouquet. I am going to be making this into a small pillow for my guest room bed. Light and bright & summery. When I get it finished, I'll make sure to share. I'm going to focus this week on getting some things made on my sewing machine, things I've been putting off and that won't take too much time, so I'll add this happy pillow to the pile and get it finished lickety-split!

Hope y'all have a great week!

p.s. Anyone else having trouble with blogger? Looks like several sentences up at the top of this post are highlighted white, but I didn't do that and can't figure out how to make it go away. Any pointers?


  1. Your stitching is gorgeous as always Lisa, and I love the colours you've used on this fresh and very summery!

  2. exquisite stitchery Lisa! Not sure how to fix your problem with the highlighted words. I don't have that problem but sometimes blogger loads my photos upside down and I have to edit them and re-edit back to the way they were in my photo gallery before loading. So annoying!

  3. This turned out beautiful. Hoping to have time to jump on the stitch-along but I seem to be running out of time!

  4. Lovely! I think I'm gonna stitch it up in Pinks, blues and purples! Can't wait to see your pillow.

  5. Lisa this embroidery is so sweet. I love it, and your stitches are so perfect!...Once I spell checked a post but forgot to click spell check off before hitting "post". To my horror, my post had yellow highlights all over it (that I quickly changed as fast as my fingers could type) spelling sucks but I try to not let the entire world know it all at once! Blogger plays cruel games sometimes! hee hee hee! :) xoxo

  6. It is beautiful!!! I really like the colors you chose for all the flowers, they complement each other so well.


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